'Eismeer' Hagenbeck Zoo, Hamburg, Germany

'Eismeer' Hagenbeck Zoo, Hamburg, Germany

'Eismeer' Hagenbeck Zoo, Hamburg, Germany

'Eismeer' Hagenbeck Zoo, Hamburg, Germany

'Eismeer' Hagenbeck Zoo, Hamburg, Germany

'Eismeer' Hagenbeck Zoo, Hamburg, Germany

'Eismeer' Hagenbeck Zoo, Hamburg, Germany

'Eismeer' Hagenbeck Zoo, Hamburg, Germany

'Eismeer' Hagenbeck Zoo, Hamburg, Germany
Eismeer - Hagenbeck Zoo, Hamburg, Germany is a major development at this world-renowned zoo. With a footprint of 7000m2, the project features large, naturalistic environments representing rocky coastal bays of the Arctic, Antarctic and sub-polar islands. The ‘ice Sea’ habitats are home to polar bears, walruses, seals, several penguin and sea-bird species. A 900m-long visitor route winds through several levels above and below water level, through atmospheric sea-caves, beneath towering cliffs and glacial ice, into a refrigerated penguin environment and several interpretive exhibits on polar subjects. In conjunction with GB Hagenbeck, I provided conceptual planning, visualisation, model-making and on-site art-direction services to the project.