Concept visual of main ocean tank with large shipwreck. Ocean World, Maharashtra, India
Concept visual of South African penguin habitat. Ocean World, Maharashtra, India
Conceptual cutaway view of reef aquarium with water dump apparatus. Ocean World, Maharashtra, India
Concept visual of entrance portal to immersive montane rainforest environment. Ocean World, Maharashtra, India
Conceptual visual of montane rainforest environment. Ocean World, Maharashtra, India
Conceptual visual of oval shaped cylinder and tropical Amazon habitat. Ocean World, Maharashtra, India
Conceptual visual of open-ocean hall with shoaling fish cylinder and life size models of large ocean creatures. Ocean World, Maharashtra, India
Conceptual visual of reef aquarium with cylindrical tunnel. Ocean World, Maharashtra, India
Conceptual visual of underwater view into outdoor mangrove environment with Mugger crocodiles. Ocean World, Maharashtra, India
Ocean World, Maharashtra, India This monumental oceanarium design project was undertaken in conjunction with London architects Proctor and Matthews and landscape planners IDG of Bristol, UK. The large iconic building is to feature a massive main tank with a large shipwreck and 45m-long acrylic tunnel, a Western Ghats mountain
rainforest walkway and numerous smaller exhibits. The landscaped outdoor exhibits include a large seal environment, an Indian crocodile and mangrove habitat and an African penguin coastal landscape.
The project is still in planning stage.