Immersive canyon with animatronic dimetrodon and 25 000 litre flash flood experience. Gondwana Praehistorium, Schiffweiler, Germany Gondwana Praehistorium, Schiffweiler, Germany

Jurassic lagoon immersive environment with animatronic creatures and water feature. Gondwana Praehistorium, Schiffweiler, Germany

Immersive environment portraying a prehistoric Antarctic forest. Gondwana Praehistorium, Schiffweiler, Germany.

Large walking robot Giganotosaurus. Gondwana Praehistorium, Schiffweiler, Germany.

Permian period immersive environment. Gondwana Praehistorium, Schiffweiler, Germany.

Detailed dinosaur model and immersive Cretaceous environment. Gondwana Praehistorium, Schiffweiler, Germany.

Immersive prehistoric forest. Gondwana Praehistorium, Schiffweiler, Germany.

Museum gallery exhibit with diabaloceratops skull. Gondwana Praehistorium, Schiffweiler, Germany.

Highly realistic, life-size model of a paleontologist at work. Gondwana Praehistorium, Schiffweiler, Germany
Gondwana Praehistorium, Schiffweiler, Germany is a 4500m2 centre telling the story of the evolution of live from the birth of the cosmos to the extinction of the dinosaurs. The museum was opened by Nobel Laureate and Oscar winner Al Gore in December 2008. I conceptualised, designed & art-directed the fossil and interpretative gallery spaces as well as nine fully immersive prehistoric environments. The recreated landscapes include numerous water features, animatronic dinosaurs and other creatures, thousands of replica plants, full-size trees, detailed scenic rockwork and naturalistic walkway surfaces, atmospheric effects, smells, sounds and creative lighting.